Introducing the Voice of Experience Program from The UPMC Bone and Joint Center

in collaboration with:

Are you looking for advice and someone to answer questions about your arthritis and possible surgery? The Voice of Experience Program offers a unique educational resource for patients with hip and knee arthritis about to embark on their own journey to wellness.

What is the Voice of Excellence Program?
The program will connect you to a former patient who has already completed their journey to a pain-free, active lifestyle at the Bone and Joint Center. Our Patient Advisors harness a unique patient-to-patient approach, giving you information and perspective to better understand treatment options and offer support as you navigate your own journey to wellness.
Get Connected to a Patient Advisor!
Any Bone and Joint Center patient can connect with a patient advisors by phone or email. Advisors are available during all segments of care (non-operative treatment options as well as before, during and after surgery).
Connect with Patient Advisor Now!
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