Continue Passive Motion Machine and Ice Therapy (Post Knee Replacement Only)

A CPM machine will be used post-operatively to improve your range of motion more quickly and to make you feel more comfortable following knee replacement surgery. The healing of your knee can cause scar tissue to form, which causes your tissues to be stiffer than normal tissue. The use of the CPM machine after your total knee replacement guides tissue healing, increases motion, and helps reduce stiffness. Most importantly, using CPM will reduce your discomfort and allow you to be much more active, so remember, “new joints love to be moved!”
CPM Machine Modes
When using the CPM machine, there is the “exercise” mode and the “comfort” mode:

Exercise mode is to use CPM 1-3 hours, 2 to 4 times a day with the flexion setting at 10 degrees more than the last flexion number in PT (physical therapy)  i.e., if 70 degrees in PT then the setting should be 80 degrees.

Comfort mode is to put the flexion setting at around 30-40 degrees and just let it run for as long as you would like. Patients can use the machine 24 hours a day in comfort mode i.e., no limits. Many patients sleep in the CPM at night in comfort mode.
We have a CPM machine for your hospital stay and a portable version will be delivered to your home about 2-5 days before your scheduled surgery. We recommend using the CPM machine for 4 weeks after surgery. Remember though, the CPM machine does not replace your active exercises or your PT.
Ice Therapy
In the hospital, you will also be provided with a special ice pack to help with pain relief. We encourage you to continue to use the ice when you get home and for approximately 30-60 minutes every 2 hours and especially after an exercise session. Remember NO HEAT onto the operative area until we see you for your one month post-operative visit.
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