You may go home the same day or within 1 to 2 days. To make your recovery smooth and comfortable, you can prepare yourself by doing the following:
- Prepare food and freeze individual meals that can easily be reheated
- Identify a friend or family member who will drive you home when you leave the hospital. You cannot drive yourself home from the hospital.
- Identify family and friends that will support you with household tasks until you are more comfortable.
- Decide where you will spend most of your day while you recover. Place commonly used items (tissues, phone, remote controls, reading materials, medicines, waste basket, shoes, etc.) within easy reach.
Check your home for hazards and make repairs/ adjustments as needed:
- Make sure rooms and hallways are well lit. Add lighting if needed.
- Place night lights in bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and other highly traveled areas.
- Remove trip-and-fall hazards such as cords, furniture, and clutter.
- Remove unnecessary area rugs or floor coverings. Use non-slip rugs or attach rugs to the floor.
- Create a clear walking path. Arrange furniture so that you have plenty of space to walk in each room.
- Prevent wet or slippery floors.
- Move items from higher shelving to countertops to avoid reaching and bending.
- Install handrails and grab bars on stairs, showers, and other sitting-to-standing areas.
- Install slip-resistant shower chairs and mats.
- Keep flashlights in every room in case of an electrical outage or use battery-powered nightlights.
- Use a cane or walker when recommended by your health care provider.
Have a Safety Plan:
- Add telephones in every room for easy emergency access.
- Use an alert system such as an alarm, bracelet or another way to quickly call for help in case you do fall.
- Arrange for a friend of family member to check in with you daily.